How To Run An Internet Radio Station Part-Time

For some, running a radio is a full-time profession, whilst for others, it is a hobby. If you have recently started a radio station but have commitment restraints on the time you can spend nurturing and growing your station, we are here to guide you. Check out some of our helpful tips below on how to manage and grow your station part-time:

Leverage Content Automation Software

To get started, we encourage you to get the right software, such as SAM Broadcaster Cloud, which allows you to automate your content. SAM Cloud’s automation scheduling features makes it easy to automate your content, by auto-playing shows during specific time segments and keeping your station running 24/7, even if you aren’t around. This means that you can schedule your content for the week, and your station can run unaided for the period you are absent.

SAM Cloud’s comprehensive suite of features aid you in successfully automating your station. The three primary features which work together to deliver SAM Cloud’s automation are Playblocks, Separation Rules and Scheduled Events. These features, when combined with music library features such as Filters and Playlists, allow customers to fully automate their station’s scheduled output. Click here to learn more about the content automation feature.

Recruit Volunteer Radio Broadcaster Assistance 

Running a radio station does not mean you have to do everything on your own. You can opt to share the running of your station with volunteers, friends or even hire other DJs if you have the resources to do so. This way, the other DJs can host their segments whilst you are busy with your other commitments. Moreso, having multiple hosts also allows for diversity and versatility on your radio station. SAM Broadcaster Cloud comes with multi-DJ management functionality. Each SAM Broadcaster Cloud service includes one SAM Broadcaster Live-DJ license for the Station Manager and 5 additional DJ licenses. Additional DJ licenses can be added to your station in bundles of 5-licenses for only $5 per month. As the station manager, you have exclusive control of the DJ management features as well as complete control of your station. Moreso, The DJ management functionality within SAM Cloud also enables multiple DJs to individually connect and stream live and to facilitate smooth handovers between them. Click here to learn more about this feature.

Pre-recorded Content

Pre-recorded interviews, playlists, and documentary shows are also good sources of content which you can schedule into your programming. You can therefore consider using voice tracking, where you record your shows, which you can reuse on your radio station. 

Find a Perfect Time to Schedule Your Slot

Continuously playing music on your station might be monotonous and you risk losing your audience’s interest. Engagement and interaction through live broadcasting still remains vital. Although actual live-streaming and not voice tracking requires your full attention, you can schedule your slot for weekends or late-nights slots if your job or other priorities take precedence.

Whilst it is possible to run an internet radio station part-time, the key to success is good planning and having an entrepreneurial mindset which comprises consistency, effectiveness and getting the work done. Committing full time remains the ultimate winner, so focusing on growing your listenership is key to ensuring your radio station becomes a viable revenue-maker or starts attracting enough sponsorship for you to commit full time.

If you are looking at starting your internet radio station but running the station part-time, SAM Broadcaster Cloud is the ultimate solution for you, offering you automation features that allow you to run your station even in your absence. Sign up Today.