SAM Broadcaster Cloud Exciting Features

Many of you have been getting your hands on the new and improved SAM Broadcaster Cloud this month but if you are yet to subscribe, please sign up today, here are a few of the many exciting features we think you might like:

Discover our academy center

Did you know that the SAM Broadcaster Cloud Web User Interface now has its very own Academy section where you can access video tutorials that will help you get the most out of your radio broadcasting solution.

To access the Academy, simply log into your web user interface and click the ‘Academy’ tab on the sidebar.

A world of widgets

Your Station Player, Web Widgets and Listen Link have been moved from the user zone to the Web User Interface and updated to include more player options. To find them, just log in to your web user interface and click the ‘Widgets’ tab in the sidebar.

Not only have we have updated a number of the existing features available but we have also added some new and amazing features to make your station even better.

  • Listen Link Create listen links that can be used in both hardware and software players, as well as radio directories.Simply select your preferred stream and output mode to generate your link.
  • Player – Choose from six player sizes in three colors to match your website theme. To embed the widget into your website simply copy and paste the code for your selected player into your webpage.
  • Website Widgets – Create customizable web widgets for your radio stations’ website to enhance your listeners’ experience. To generate your widget code, simply select the required, configurable widget options from the ‘Web Widgets’ link on the sidebar under the Widgets Tab and click ‘Generate‘ to bring up a preview.  When you are happy with the way the Widgets look, just copy and paste the code into your website.
  • Free Hosted Website – Perhaps the most exciting new feature of all is our Free, Station Player page, hosted by Spacial for all active SAM Broadcaster Cloud subscriptions! We believe your listeners will enjoy this responsive, mobile-friendly website.

To access your station player page, look for the link under ‘free hosted website’ in the Widgets tab to share with your listeners (e.g. Want to host your own customized version of your Station Player page? Simply download the page template to get started.